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Space-Distorting Augmented Reality

ISMAR Workshops

The ISMAR Conference and Exhibition is preceded by a day of workshops. Attendence of these by researchers and practitioners is optional, but very much recommended, since they provide a very flexible and open environment where information and knowledge can be shared.
These workshops bypass the normally very rigourous peer-review process, but are of high quality and are considered to be very valuable.
In order to register for ISMAR workshop, you have to register for the conference itself by following the workshop registration process, and paying the fees.
In previous years, there were special workshops targetted at professional users of Augmented Reality in industry. Three out of the six ISMAR workshops have been focused on this.
There were also workshops on the topic of Augmented Reality in the context of Social Networking and Mobile AR has also been another of the main themes. There are some summary descriptions of the previous workshops below.
These workshops are designed to bring together people who are applying technologies.
Contributors and participants are those who have or wish to acquire experience using the off-the-shelf or custom-built tools for AR development in order to solve real world problems in their companies, or to make new experiences possible for audiences in a specific domain.
Some further information about these workshops:
Wedding together present experiences from Malishka Photography and also Malishka Photography google+
“Falling in Love with Learning: Education and Entertainment Converge with Learning Landscapes”.
The focus of this was about designing AR experiences in a fun but memorable way for students.
Professionals had a variety of areas to demonstrate and discuss,  incuding: museam curation design, in-situ learning and preservation of cultural heritage.
“Transforming Lives: High-Performance, High-Risk Training with Mixed Reality” – medical and military training applications, transforming lives and
the human condition using technology. Focus on controlling in indoor and outdoor training maneuveurs in instrumented spaces.
“Manufacturing the Future”:  This discussed MA and AR Mixed in Design and Manufacturing.
There were also several Mobile Augmented Reality workshops which looked at how to use a variety of devices with pre-integrated sensors such as
mobile telephones, PDAs, GPS and other off-the-shelf hardware. This included
“Let’s Go Out: Research in Outdoor Mixed and Augmented Reality” (mainly corporate/academic researchers),
“The Mobile Magic Wand: Augmented Reality on the Mobile Devices” (commerical solutions for the general public).

Keywords: General Science & Technology Arts, Media & Humanities Tutorials Workshops Expo Mobile MR/AR Overview Contribute Schedule, Wedding, Â Contact Workshops Overview Contribute Schedule, Photographer, Contact Information ISMAR 09 Register Sponsor Camera, Photography, Volunteer Locate Press RoomForum Orlando FL Accommodations Local Information, Scottish, memorable and lasting experiences AR technology.ISMAR Information Who Should Attend? Past ISMAR websites What is AR/MR? ISMAR 2020 AR Activities Flash AR Contest Tracking Competition, Edinburgh, Scotland, Miscellaneous Links Directory Site Map Tutorials Workshops Exhibitions Mobile MR/AR