
AR 2.0: Social Augmented Reality — Social Computing meets Augmented Reality


A number of technologies have recently emerged that can be used to easily deploy large numbers of Augmented Reality applications to many users. Camera equipped cell phones with significant processing power and graphics abilities provide an inexpensive, versatile platform for AR applications, while the social networking technology of Web 2.0 provides a large-scale infrastructure for collaboratively producing and distributing geo-referenced content. At the same time, large audiences have already passively adopted AR concepts, e.g. in the form of sportscast and other TV overlays, and there is growing interest and even anticipation for interactive content. This combination of widely used mobile hardware, Web 2.0 software, and a more prepared and interested public is fostering the development of a new type of AR platform that can be used on a global scale.

Those interested in this convergence are invited to a one-day workshop on research issues specific to the cross-section of Social Networking and Augmented Reality. The workshop will include a session where researchers present short position statements on research topics, key issues and approaches. Further sessions will address specific areas where we will review the state-of-the-art through invited presentations and discussions of current developments and future research directions.

What is this workshop?

The AR 2.0: Social AR workshop is the first day-long event for those who wish to become active participants in the "social AR" movement and to address some of the challenges ahead.


Suitable workshop topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Social computing
  • Web 2.0 media experiences and mashups in AR
  • Logging and annotating life
  • End-user AR authoring tools
  • Volunteered Geographic Information
  • Massively user-contributed content
  • Internet of Things
  • Hand-held and cell-phone based AR
  • Large-scale AR tracking solutions
  • Semantic indexing and annotation
  • Infrastructures for large-scale situated content storage and access
  • AR in Ubiquitous Computing environments
  • AR educational gaming
  • Societal impact of AR
  • Who Should Attend?

    Participation is open to all attendees registering for the workshop, not only to presenters of position statements. We explicitly invite non-research attendees to join and provide valuable insight into areas of social/commercial/artistic/general interest and constraints.

    Call for Position Papers

    The workshop will be an opportunity to present short position papers on topics relevant for large-scale social mixed and augmented reality. Those interested in contributing to this workshop and present a position are invited to submit a 2-page summary using the TVCG paper template for ISMAR 2009 papers by sending it to the email "". The position papers will be reviewed by the organizing committee and selected for presentation. Authors will be notified of the results and a final deadline for submitting the final version. The schedule for submission and notification is as follows:

    Position Paper Deadlines

    Submission deadline: September 18, 2009
    Notification: September 25, 2009
    Final version: October 5, 2009

    Authors of those position papers accepted will have the opportunity to present during the workshop. Position papers presented at the workshop will be made available to all participants of ISMAR 2009. We would like to point out that the position papers are not peer-reviewed and will not officially count as a publication, rather we want to encourage participants to discuss and present new ideas and topics that may not be susceptible to a standard peer-review process.

    Workshop Organizers

  • Tobias Höllerer, University of California at Santa Barbara
  • Dieter Schmalstieg, Technische Universität Graz
  • Mark Billinghurst, HIT Lab New Zealand

  • Please send all questions and submit position papers via e-mail to . Please also check the emerging web forum for further information.

    this page last updated August 26, 2009


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Platinum Donors

ORA engineering

Volts Wagon

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Partnering Affiliations

University of Otago

mississippi state


Themed Entertainment Association

Digital Media Alliance of Florida



Perey Research


Augmented report

Tech Museum






National Center for Simulation


Mobile Social Network

doko dare