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Falling in Love with Learning: Education and Entertainment Converge
MR brings another contextualization opportunity for learning experiences – the ability to customize the learning journey for each learner, on each topic, for each intended impact.
User-created content in the 21st century interactive media is quite capable of allowing learners to create long-term learning “journals” – a record of what each person considers important on their learning journey. It might be a video found online, or a digital record of a trip to a community garden, or an exploration into the types of sea turtles found off the Atlantic coast. We do it all the time, and more and more, that self-gathering of important information sets a personal context to our learning.
The Falling In Love with Learning Workshop encompasses the intersection of education and entertainment to capture the imagination of the public with free-choice learning (informal learning). In this workshop, professionals will each present a compelling picture of one aspect of MR and its real-world-impact on learning, followed by roundtable discussions on those aspects. These aspects that impact learning include education, design, development, operation, assessment and continuous innovation collaboration.
Workshop Objectives
This workshop is intended to address learning applications of Mixed Reality for K-12, higher education and professional and continuing education. This ranges from self-directed learning in the home, to specialized learning with MR simulation tools, to free-choice learning in museums, over the Internet, and in diverse venues throughout society.
Topics to be explored
Topics of discussion for this workshop will explore the who, what, why, when and where of Mixed Reality and Learning.
We will ask questions such as:
- How do we design for these learning landscapes?
- How do we evaluate the effectiveness of MR technology and its use in learning landscapes?
- Does the experience know that I am here?
- Does my participation change the experience in some fashion?
- Is there something I can take away from the experience?
this page last updated August 10, 2009