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Tutorials overview
The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) will expand it tutorial program into a four day comprehensive program of ISMAR pioneers presenting the breadth and depth of the art and science of Mixed and Augmented Reality advancements. It will feature the latest techniques in science, technology, art, media and humanities fields. Through projects and research in the areas of education, training, entertainment, communications, design and media production, the programs will cover how Mixed and Augmented Reality can be applied to diverse domains.
Sessions include:
MONDAY: Tracking for AR Tracking Researchers
TUESDAY: Introduction to MR/AR Experience Creation
WEDNESDAY: MR/AR Enabling Technologies
THURSDAY: Enhancing Human Performance with MR/AR
Who should attend?
Students, reseachers, artists, entrepreneurs, content producers and entrepreneurs who are looking to invent, develop or study Mixed and Augmented Reality should attend the Tutorials. This is the first step in getting your profession and company Mixed and Augmented Reality-ready. Simulation specialists, experience designers, historians, art curators, digital media producers, game designers, experiential marketing, exhibit developers, human performance trainers and other professional and companies who want to come up to speed with the latest practices of Mixed and Augmented Reality.
Tutorials experience
The ISMAR 2009 Tutorials will be offered for four days. Select one, two, three or four days of offerings. If you are just getting involved with Mixed and Augmented Reality or if you are looking to explore new applications and disciplines of Mixed and Augmented Reality, the Tutorials provide a broad and diverse overview of of interdisciplinary research, study and innovation. Never before has such a comprehensive program been offered. This is an ideal program for university professors, commercial developers, and trainers to prepare their staff and student body for the next generation or MR/AR research and development.
Click 'Schedule' on the left menu bar to view the tutorial program in more detail.