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As has been the case with many past events, the ISMAR 2009 conference and exhibition will be preceeded by a full day of optional workshops.
Through workshops, the community of people working and studying Mixed and Augmented Reality has an open and flexible environment suitable for sharing information and knowledge which has not been through the same rigorous peer review process as the papers presented in the main conference, however, have been deemed of high quality and very valuable to ISMAR attendees, both researchers and practitioners.
On October 19, 2009, there will be:
- three workshops for professional users of AR in industry
- two workshops on mobile AR and
- one workshop on the topic of Augmented Reality and social networking.
Below are short descriptions of each workshop. The embedded links in this page will redirect you to dedicated pages for each of these workshops on which you will learn more about each workshop's objectives, how to particpiate and contribute.
Contact information for workshop chairs can be found on the Workshops contact general page, and on each of the individual workshop pages.
To register for an ISMAR workshop, you must register for the conference. More information on the Workshop registration process and fees can be found here.
Professional Applications
Three of the six ISMAR workshops developed for the 2009 event focus on professional applications of Mixed and Augmented Reality. These workshops are designed to bring together people who are applying technologies. Contributors and participants are those who have or wish to acquire experience using the off-the-shelf or custom-built tools for AR development in order to solve real world problems in their companies, or to make new experiences possible for audiences in a specific domain.
Falling in Love with Learning: Education and Entertainment Converge with Learning Landscapes is designed to meet the needs of people who are currently designing memorable and lasting experiences for visitors and students through AR technology. These include professionals in the areas of:
> cultural heritage preservation
> education and in-situ learning
> entertainment and games for learning
> museum curation and design
The leaders of this workshop will discuss how they are currently using Mixed and Augmented Reality for education and entertainment and the challenges they face or most wish to tackle in the future.
Transforming Lives: High-Performance, High-Risk Training with Mixed Reality is designed for those professionals who are in the medical and military training fields or who are planning a career in these domains, designing services and applications for the betterment of the human condition through technology.
The range of conditions in which Mixed and Augmented Reality for transforming lives can be imagined includes the spectrum: from portable, outdoor training of maneuveurs to highly controlled indoor, instrumented spaces for high precision experiences.
The leaders of this workshop will share and the participants of the workshop will discuss, how they are currently using Mixed and Augmented Reality for changing the lives of civilians and people in the armed forces worldwide. With the aid of workshop participants, the group will formulate a roadmap for how Mixed and Augmented Reality can become part of the practitioner's toolkit for transforming lives.
Manufacturing the Future: Use of Mixed and Augmented Reality in Design and Manufacturing is designed for people who are active in the field of industrial and spatial design and related fields, whether in a factory, design studio, commercial property or a marketing firm. Engineers, architects, industrial design agencies, retail, marketing agencies, software developers, manufacturers and investors are invited to engage in an active and enlightening series of sessions to share experiences in these fields. Participants will discuss the best scenarios or approaches for addressing common obstacles using Mixed and Augmented Reality.
Mobile Augmented Reality Workshops
Running in parallel, the two Mobile Augmented Reality workshops examine different aspects of Mixed and Augmented Reality outside a highly-controlled environment.
Mobile AR applications or services can use an off-the-shelf hardware platform, such as a mobile telephone or personal digital assistant with pre-integrated sensors (GPS or camera, for example), or a custom-designed system of any specification as long as the user can carry it without assistance and the device is not connected to its database by a physical cable of fixed length.
Mobile AR can be both indoor and outdoor. The scope of “Outdoor AR” includes that portion of mobile AR for which the use case is outside of any building or shelter. Mobile AR includes that portion of Outdoor AR which is accessbile with a device a user can carry without assistance, that is not connected to a server by means of a physical cable and is entirely outside a highly-instrumented environment.
The chairs of the Mobile Magic Wand and the Let’s go Out workshops offer those who are wondering which workshop they would like to attend a table in which the target audiences, content and formats are compared. Potential attendees are also invited to visit the pages dedicated to each of the workshops.
Please visit the Mobile Magic Wand and Lets Go Out Comparison page for more information.
Let's Go Out: Research in Outdoor Mixed and Augmented Reality is a workshop designed for researchers in academia and corporate laboratories, as well as those who are interested in learning about and discussing approaches to solving the most pressing challenges facing those conducting research in Outdoor AR.
The Mobile Magic Wand: Augmented Reality on the Mobile Devices workshop is designed for those who are currently developing or supplying commercial solutions for the general public to use Augmented Reality on their phones and mobile Internet devices, those who are providing tools and platforms for commercial grade solutions, and those who are planning to provide/publish commercial mobile AR in the near future.
The focus of this workshop is on the elements required, both technical and business, for companies to provide value added services which will significantly enhance the daily lives of normal people.
Social Networking and Augmented Reality
AR 2.0: Social Augmented Reality is a workshop designed for researchers, practitioners, and interested observers of topics at the intersection of Augmented Reality and Social Networking. Massively user-generated content has changed the way the world wide web is being utilized, and established its role as a ubiquitous up-to-date information resource, media provider, and communication medium. Augmented reality has the strong potential to extend these capabilities into the physical world. What will the ultimate interface to social information in the physical world look like? Help us explore topics concerned with user generated content and augmented reality and other areas at the intersection of social networking and AR. Join us for the discussion of the next wave of content creation and information experience in the physical world.